Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An Inconvenient Book

By Glenn Beck. This book was chosen by Colton.


Tenille said...

We have a copy if you need one, but you have to promise to treat it with love because it belongs to the couple we are housesitting for :)

Wendi said...

I'm finally done! I have to admit, I struggled with this book. It took me a while to get Glen's sense of humor and I just lost interest at times. He did have some good points and made me think about some things, but there's nothing like a good book with a story line. That's my favorite kind of book. It's good to try new things, so I'm glad I read it.

Zann said...

I love this book, but then again I also love Glenn Beck. Sometimes his humor is a bit much for me, but his take on things is just about right on the money with what I can see in the world. I also love that he calls BS when he sees it. I genuinely enjoyed this book.

Mom said...

I quite enjoyed this book. Some sections (if totally true) are quite concerning and I worry when there isn't anything I could do about it anyway. I thought the funniest were the ones on blind dating and having children.
He is an interesting writer and I know I missed a lot of his humor because I don't follow society news.